Sunday, February 13, 2011

A work in progress

I'm trying to gear myself up to start knitting again.  So far I've only taken out the basket of yarn.  Knitting helps me to relax.  I want to make a blanket in memory of my mom. Who passed away 12/01/2009.  The color blue was one of her favorite colors, so I think I will do the blanket in different shades of blue. I think she would have liked that.  I will take pictures and update as I go along.  Wish me luck :)


Updated on 2/16/2011

I started my project.  This stictch is called the granny stitch.  I'm not really sure how big I'm gonna make my blanket.  I guess I will play it by ear.


Updated on 4/8/11

I finished my blanket and I think it looks pretty good.  I'm gonna start working on another blanket for my step daughter who is having a boy.


  1. Thank you. I just need to get motivated to get started.

  2. I wish you luck girl... I know she would love it and you would love it too.
