Tuesday, February 15, 2011

My baby birds

It's hard to see, but there are three baby cockatiels in the nesting box.  They are almost two weeks old.  I will start hand feeding them in about two days.


Updated on 4/8/11

Here are the birds are grown up.  I have since had another clutch of baby birds.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The shooting range

Here are some video's of me and my family at the shooting range.

Oh Mrs. Ashley!

I miss this little girl.  My oldest daughter. So cute :)

But, look at who she has become.

A beautiful young lady.   Who will always be my little mama. She looks like a model with wind blown hair :)

My youngest daugther Amber

She went from this

To this, in a blink of the eye it seems like. 

They grow up so fast.  Mommy loves you Amber!

Guess who has a boyfriend?

My girls

I can't believe I was abled to get them all in one place without fighting with one another to take a picture.  This picture was taken at Sheila and Rusty's wedding.

A tattoo I'm thinking of getting

My Husband got a really nice tattoo of an angel on his upper arm in memory of his mom.  I'm thinking about doing the same.  This is just a rough draft of the tattoo.  I will get the white parts shaded in.  Let me know what you think :)

Updated on 04/01/11

I got my tattoo done finally.  I think it looks pretty good.

Valentine's day

Happy Valentine's day to you all.  I hope everyone has a great day.  I'm waiting patiently to recieve my chocolate covered cherries.  I will get those when my husband get's off work. 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Book I am currently reading

Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, Book 1) By Charlaine Harris.

Product Description
Sookie Stackhouse is just a small-time cocktail waitress in small-town Louisiana. Until the vampire of her dreams walks into her life-and one of her coworkers checks out....

Maybe having a vampire for a boyfriend isn't such a bright idea.

I'm actually listening to the audible book.  The book is pretty good.  I love books about vampires.

A work in progress

I'm trying to gear myself up to start knitting again.  So far I've only taken out the basket of yarn.  Knitting helps me to relax.  I want to make a blanket in memory of my mom. Who passed away 12/01/2009.  The color blue was one of her favorite colors, so I think I will do the blanket in different shades of blue. I think she would have liked that.  I will take pictures and update as I go along.  Wish me luck :)


Updated on 2/16/2011

I started my project.  This stictch is called the granny stitch.  I'm not really sure how big I'm gonna make my blanket.  I guess I will play it by ear.


Updated on 4/8/11

I finished my blanket and I think it looks pretty good.  I'm gonna start working on another blanket for my step daughter who is having a boy.

Review of the Samsung Galaxy Tablet

My husband recently bought me the Samsung Galaxy tablet from Verizon.  I was originally leaning toward the View Sonic View Pad 7 because it was in the same price range as the Galaxy.  I decided to go with the Galaxy Tablet because it had flash support.  The fact that I could look at videos on websites was a plus for me.   I got the verizon data plan.  That allows me to stay connected without wifi.  I love how portable it is.  It's small enough to fit in my purse.  I take it with me everywhere I go.  My favorite thing to do on it is sending text messages and checking my Facebook account.  There are tons of apps to be found in  the android market place.  Most apps are free to use.  The Galaxy Tablet is not a phone, although you will have a cell phone number associated with the device.  The only thing you can do is send and receive text messages with it.  However, you can install the app Skype to make and receive calls.  I tested Skype out and it worked fine for me.